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Ten Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Taken Forty Years Ago

1.Floss your teeth every night. I haven’t had a cavity since I began flossing 35 years ago. I wish I had started 40 years ago.

2.Learn to invest when you’re young. Most people don’t wake up until it is too late. The power of compound interest really only works for those who start young.

3.Wash where the sun don’t shine. Wash your bottom well every day and you will likely avoid the embarrassment and discomfort of hemorrhoids.

4.Read the classics ten pages per day. At the rate of 10 pages a day, you can read any book, no matter how long or how difficult. It is rewarding.

5.Drink water in restaurants. What you save will help you find something to invest. The habit will also help cleanse your body of toxins.

6.Stretch your hamstrings. You often won’t realize you’re old and stiff until you’re old and stiff. Stretching makes you look and feel younger.

7.Plant a tree or start a small garden each time you move to a new house. Revel in the silence of growing things.

8.Assemble and organize your random thoughts and those miscellaneous pieces of information you want to keep over time. Put them in a five-subject spiral notebook or record them electronically, but save them systematically so you know where to find them.

9.Exercise daily. Walk a couple of miles or the equivalent thereof. It is time well-spent.

10.Play games with those you love: card games, board games, word games, whatever. The time you spend together will bond your relationship far more than passively watching some screen.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 14, 2006 11:54 AM.

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